Up Close

Quality macro photography is quite hard to achieve without a tripod. It’s so hard to stay crouched in the grass and keeping the camera still at the same time. I could have done better. I did a little better when I photographed the butterflies, it was raining lightly, the air was fresh, it was overcast but there was still enough light. But I failed to shoot a decent photo of the bug with long antennae because it was sunny and hot outside and the sun and I aren’t best buddies.

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3x mom . mrs . certified introvert . loves coffee, cats, plants, crochet, reading and photography, not necessarily in this order . allergic to ambrosia and rudeness

19 thoughts on “Up Close”

  1. These are wonderful! You do have wonderful captures. Macro is definitely hard. I purchased a light ring which improves the focus on my insect’s photography. Still I struggle, in my case, it’s my vision that holds me back. But I simply love these photos.

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  2. These are wonderful! You do have wonderful captures. Macro is definitely hard. I purchased a light ring which improves the focus on my insect’s photography. Still I struggle, in my case, it’s my vision that holds me back. But I simply love these photos. Oh! and I also don’t use my tripod anymore. I should but I don’t like crafting the extra load. I may need to invest in a minopod in the future.

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    1. Thanks, I am happy you like them!! And I hear ya. It’s not confortable to shoot with my glasses on so I often take them off. I can’t even remember where my tripod is. lol


  3. Welcome to Nature Notes.. Your macros are really stunning. There is such a magical world if we take the time to look at insects in our own yards… PS. My doctor is from Romania and she makes frequent trips from here in the US to visit her parents. .. Michelle

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    1. Thank you so much. There is a whole different world at the insects level and that’s why I love macro photography. Hehehe, both my hubbs and I have a lot of relatives in the US and Canada and visit them too, but much rarely. 🙂


  4. These are beautiful shots, and you did so well in both weather conditions 🙂 I’ve been wanting to try macro for awhile and considering some lens options now.

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  5. Your pictures are absolutely Stunning! Ramona 🙂 Granny has the same problem, when she takes pictures her hands are just overenthusiastic, that they have to move too…MOL 😀 Pawkisses for a wonderful week ahead 🙂 ❤

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